Scheduled to be gelded February 27th. 2X ApHC RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION!! HOMZYGOUS Black, no bay gene. We are a small breeder, only offered for your consideration…
$5,000SOLD- contact Reiterfarms for availability of other horses! "Flash" is a 2024 TRIPLE HOMOZYGOUS POA Stud Colt (RF Wapz Dreamcatcher x BVR Frosted Rose…
$7,000Remarkable Image (Noah) was born March 31, 2024. He is l00% appaloosa in his first four generations , as well as homozygous for black, for LP (the appaloosa…
$3,500Double Registered ApHC and ICAA, Black Peacock Leopard, 100% Foundation, GAP 5/F5, 6 panel health N/N, DNA: a/a(Homozygous) nd1/nd2, E/E(Homozygous), n…
Stud Fee: $1,000FAMOUS POLKADOTS is a June 2020 stallion. Contact me by CALLING. I will NOT see messages through this site!!! Or, E Mail= BedonnasStallionStation (at…
Stud Fee: $1,150DSK PHANTOM LEGACY is Standing at Stud. He is NOT for sale. We will have foals by him and our other stallions for sale. Now offered to the public…
Stud Fee: $1,350PAPAS NUKTANGA, Double registered ApHC and ICAA papers in hand., 100% Foundation, GAP 6, Leopard Colt, born 3-24-24 6 panel Health N/N, Parent Verification…
$6,500PAPAS ACE OF HEARTS, 100% Foundation, GAP7 Black Leopard Colt, born 3-26-2024. Double Registered ApHC and ICAA papers in hand. 6 panel health N/N, Parentage…